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Becoming a member of the Holy Trinity family takes 2 steps...
...a third is available for those who want to.

Step #1 (and MOST important):
Show up. Come worship with us. Come hang out with us before and after the services, at parish events, and informally as friends. Whether or not you take either of the next 2 steps, please come be with us.


Step #2: 
Be baptized.


If you'd like to be baptized, please contact the priest (863-533-3581 or, and she will make that happen.


If you are already baptized (and we accept baptisms from any Christian tradition) -- tell us the Church where you were last a member, and we'll write to them and request a Letter of Transfer.


If you'd like to transfer your membership, please contact the parish office (863-533-3581 or and our Parish Administrator will make that happen.


If you don't remember where you were a member, or if you belonged to a Church that won't transfer your membership to us, tell us when and where you were baptized (we accept approximate dates and places if you can't remember exactly or don't have a certificate. We trust people!), and we'll make you a member "By Declaration."


Once again, contact the parish office (863-533-3581 or, and our Parish Administrator will take care of you.


Take those 2 steps and you're an official member of the Holy Trinity family!


If you choose to go deeper, we offer a third step: Confirmation or Reception.

Confirmation is for people who were baptized as a baby or a small child and have never publicly committed themselves to Jesus. At least once a year, our priest offers an Inquirers' Class for teenagers, new members, and people who are considering becoming members. The Inquirers' Class explores what it means to be a Christian, an Episcopalian, and an active member of our parish family. At the end of the Group, each person has the opportunity to publicly acknowledge Jesus as their Savior and Lord, and for the Bishop to lay hands on them to pray for the empowering of the Holy Spirit for service in the Church and world. Though Confirmation is not required for membership, it is heartily recommended.


Reception is for people who have been Confirmed in the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, or Lutheran Church (ELCA). In Reception, the Bishop shakes hands with you, prays for you, and welcomes you to this part of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.


If you'd like to be Confirmed or Received, be on the look out for the Inquirers' Class. Attend it and you're in.


© 2016 Holy Trinity Episcopal Church of Barow, Florida.

500 W Stuart St., Bartow, FL  33830

Tel/Fax: 863-533-3581


Marketing by Bee Persuasive.

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